Organizing committee
General Chairs |
Licínio Roque, University of Coimbra, Portugal Stefano Delle Monache, Sound Perception & Design Group, STMS Lab Ircam-CNRS–SU, France |
Program Chairs |
Mariana Seiça, University of Coimbra, Portugal Jordan Wirfs-Brock, Whitman College, Washington, United States |
Music Chairs |
Jônatas Manzolli, Unicamp, Brazil Jonas Braasch, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, New York, United States Maria Kallionpää, KreativInstitut.OWL/Hochschule for Musik Detmold |
Installations/Demos Chairs |
André Perrotta, University of Coimbra, Portugal Niklas Rönnberg, Linköping University, Sweden |
Workshops/Tutorials Chairs |
Luís Lucas Pereira, University of Coimbra, Portugal Derek Brock, Washington University, Arlington, Virginia, United States Daniel Hug, Zurich University of the Arts, Switzerland |
Doctoral Consortium Chairs |
Michael Nees, Lafayette College, Easton, PA, USA Mark Grimshaw-Aagaard, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology (HKUST), China |
Diversity & Inclusion Chair |
Valéria Moreira Pinto, University of Coimbra, Portugal |
Sustainability Advisor |
Thomas Hermann, Bielefeld University, Germany |
Publicity/Web Chairs |
Catarina Parente, University of Coimbra, Portugal João Neves, University of Coimbra, Portugal Thales Roel Pessanha, University of Coimbra, Portugal |
Tech Chairs |
(to be defined) |
Student Volunteers |
(to be defined) |
For general questions concerning Audio Mostly, contact the organizing committee:
Steering Committee
Axel Berndt | Paderborn University, Germany |
Alan Chamberlain | University of Nottingham, UK |
Stuart Cunningham | University of Chester, UK |
Balandino Di Donato | Edinburgh Napier University, UK |
George Fazekas | Queen Mary University London, UK |
Andreas Floros | Ionian University, Greece |
Katharina Groß-Vogt | University of Graz, Austria |
Daniel Hug | Zurich University of the Arts, Switzerland |
Michael Iber | St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences, Austria |
Maria Kallionpää | Hochschule für Musik Detmold, Germany |
George M. Kalliris | Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece |
Luca Turchet | University of Trento, Italy |
Emma Young | BBC Research and Development, UK |
For general questions concerning Audio Mostly, contact the steering committee:
Scientific Committee (provisional)