You are asked to revise your submission in line with the reviewers' comments and to prepare your manuscript according to the 2017 ACM Master Article Template. This can be found at this location along with various samples and guides. Please note that the ACM have recently (since the Call for Papers) changed the template for conference proceedings. This is now a much-simplified process. For Word users, there are no longer multiple templates, but a single “Interim Layout” template, which should be used. LaTeX users will find the master template at the same link and should use the “sigconf” variation.
The following information will assist in preparing your camera-rady paper for submission:
- Adhere to the in-text citation style and reference format guidelines provided by the ACM. If you do not, your paper will be returned to you for proper formatting.
- Remember the following page limits:
- Short papers – maximum of 4 pages;
- Long papers – 5 to a maximum of 8 pages;
- Poster and demo papers – maximum of 4 pages.
- Import the required indexing concepts for your article from the ACM Computing Classification System (CCS). You can use the following web-based indexing support tool, which generates the necessary TeX/XML code once you have selected your terms to insert in your LaTeX/Word templates.
The first author of each submission should now have received an email from the ACM with a link to complete the Permission and Release Form. Once you have completed the ACM Rights process the lead author will be sent the bibliographic strip information, which must be inserted in the final version of your paper (the bottom left of the first page. The bibliographic strip should look something like this:
AM’18, September 12–14, 2018, Wrexham, United Kingdom
© 2018 Copyright is held by the owner/author(s).
ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-6609-0/18/09.
(Where xyz is a number unique to your submission)
Once your camera-ready paper is complete, you are required to submit your final paper as a source document (Word or LaTeX) as well as in PDF format. This should be done by sending both files, via email, to using the following in the subject line of the email: AM18 Camera-Ready – Paper XX – AuthorName AuthorSurname
(Where XX is your paper number, AuthorName is the forename of the first author, and AuthorSurname is the surname of the first author.)
Finally, please remember that at least one author of each accepted paper must register for, and attend, the conference. Registration information and Early Bird rates are available until 10th August 2018. Papers without registered authors will not be presented or included in the conference proceedings.