Submission Instructions
Regular paper, music, demo and workshop contributions must be submitted via the EasyChair Audio Mostly 2018 submission portal. Please read carefully the instructions related to your contribution below before submitting.
At least one author will need to be registered and attend the conference for publication and presentation of an accepted contribution. Conference registration is now available.
General Instructions for Paper Preparation
All Audio Mostly 2018 papers should be submitted using the 2017 ACM Master Article Template specified below for your contribution. Authors should use the ACM Computing Classification System (CCS) to provide the proper indexing information in their papers (see instructions on the 2017 ACM Master Article Template page). All papers must be submitted in the PDF format.
If you use LaTeX, please note that you may have to update your TeX distribution (e.g. TeXLive, MikTeX) and the acmart package to be able to compile using the 2017 ACM Master Article LaTeX Templates.
The length of abstracts in papers (regular, demo or workshop position papers) should be 150-200 words.
Regular Papers (Oral/Poster Presentation)
Audio Mostly 2018 regular papers can be of the following nature:
- Original research papers, which report original research methods and results;
- Review papers, which typically summarise the current state-of-the-art on a topic;
- Position papers, which typically present an opinion about specific issues;
- Case study papers, which typically present practical situations in real-world contexts that can contribute to existing knowledge of the field.
We let authors choose the most appropriate length for their contribution amongst the two following formats:
- Short papers and Poster or Demo papers (4 pages in the ACM double column format) should present a work-in-progress (LaTeX template: sample-sigconf.tex).
- Long papers (5-8 pages in the ACM double column format) should present a substantial contribution to the field (LaTeX template: sample-sigconf.tex).
Upon paper submission, authors will have the possibility to give their preferences for oral or poster presentations. The final mode of presentation (oral/poster) will be based on the review process and program constraints, and will be communicated to the authors upon acceptance.
Regular papers will be subject to double blind peer-review by at least two reviewers and included in the conference proceedings.
We encourage authors of regular papers to also consider their work to be considered as a poster or demonstration.
Papers deadline
The deadline for regular papers is indicated in the Important Dates section of the website.
Workshop Proposals and Position Papers
Workshop proposal (compulsory)
Hands-on/interactive and regular workshop proposals for Audio Mostly should include the information below in a single PDF document. The document must be up to 6 pages long in the single column SIG CHI Extended Abstracts Format (LaTeX template: sample-sigchi-a.tex; Word template: SigChi-a.docx).
- Title
- Workshop organiser contact details (names, affiliation and emails)
- Short presentation of organisers’ backgrounds
- Discussion on the rationale for the workshop, the topics addressed and the goals
- Discussion on the relevance and significance of the workshop to the conference and its theme “Augmented and Participatory Sound/Music Experiences”
- A clear presentation of the workshop structure including the activities, timing and resources
- If relevant, a list of planned invited speakers with their background
- If workshop had previous editions, a brief history of the workshop
- When relevant, photos/images that help understand proposed workshop activities
- Desired duration (from 1h30 to a full day)
- Desired number of participants (a range is fine)
- A list of space and technical requirements
- Brief statement of plans for recruiting and community-building (e.g. through a web page or other type of communication in collaboration with Audio Mostly)
- Plans to share the outcomes of the workshop (e.g. journal paper, website, blog, videos, etc.)
- A list of any relevant references
- For regular workshops soliciting paper submission (managed by workshop organisers), the proposal should also include information about the workshop call for papers (see below), at the end of the proposal. Proposals for workshops that don’t require paper submissions don’t need to provide this information.
– A 250-word draft Call for Participation to be posted on the Audio Mostly website to recruit participants for the workshop upon acceptance
– Contact details of the workshop organisers who should be experts in the related fields
– Indications of format and length of papers (we recommend to use the same templates as for other Audio Mostly contributions)
– A description of the paper selection process
– A list of potential Workshop Program Committee members and their affiliations
– Important dates
– Estimated paper submission volume
– Indication if a journal special issue arrangement for the published workshop papers has been made
Audio Mostly requires that at least one author of each accepted workshop papers must be registered to the conference and attend the workshop.
Position paper accompanying workshop proposal (optional)
To complement workshop proposals, we strongly encourage workshop organisers to submit a position paper discussing topics addressed by the workshop. Contrary to workshop proposals, position papers will be peer-reviewed for inclusion in the conference proceedings. This is optional and must be provided as supplementary material, not in lieu of the workshop proposal which contains logistics information (see instructions above). There can be some overlap in content between a workshop proposal and a workshop position paper, but workshop position papers should not report aspects related to structure and logistics. Rather they should discuss the research topics and issues underlying the proposed workshop.
Position papers accompanying workshop proposals must be up to 5 pages long in the single column SIG CHI Extended Abstracts Format (LaTeX template: sample-sigchi-a.tex; Word template: SigChi-a.docx).
Position papers accompanying workshop proposals will be peer-reviewed. The outcome of the review process won’t affect the selection of workshops (a workshop can be accepted but the associated position paper rejected).
Workshop selection criteria
All workshop proposal submissions will be curated by the Audio Mostly Workshop and Program Chairs. The selection of workshop will be based on the workshop proposal (not the optional position paper) using the following criteria:
- The potential for the topic of the workshop to generate stimulating discussions and activities, as well as useful outcomes.
- The organisers’ ability to demonstrate in the proposal a well-organised process and plan for the workshop that fosters interactivity.
- The overall balance of topics in the Workshop program and relevance to the conference and its theme.
- The suitability of the workshop given logistic and program constraints
Workshop publication
Accepted workshop proposals will not be part of the Audio Mostly main proceedings. Accepted position papers accompanying workshop proposals will be part of the Audio Mostly main proceedings.
For workshops soliciting papers, the paper review process must be handled by the workshop organisers. The use of the Audio Mostly 2017 conference management system can be discussed with the Audio Mostly chairs upon acceptance. Papers submitted to workshops will not be part of the Audio Mostly main proceedings.
Workshop publicising
Both Audio Mostly and the workshop organisers will be responsible for publicising accepted workshop and for soliciting potential participants. Upon acceptance, workshop organisers will be required to create and maintain a web page with workshop specific information and a link to the Audio Mostly website. Audio Mostly will place a link to the workshop’s web page on its website. Workshop organisers may solicit participants for their workshop through an Audio Mostly Workshop Call for Participation (e.g. if the workshop solicit papers).
Workshop contributions deadline
The deadline for Workshop contributions is indicated in the Important Dates section of the website.
For more information or questions, please contact the organising committee at: