To make your AM 2017 paper writing easier, we invite you to consider the online writing tool Overleaf as it includes the right templates for AM 2017 and can generate submission-ready PDFs (follow one of the links below). This can be useful if you have issues compiling the new 2017 ACM LaTeX templates (see AM 2017 Authors’ instructions).

Overleaf ACM SIGCHI Proceedings Template for AM 2017 Regular Papers (this uses the ACM 2017 sample-sigchi.tex template)

Overleaf ACM SICHI Extended Abstract Template for AM 2017 Demo, Workshop Proposal and Position Papers (this uses the ACM 2017 sample-sigchi-a.tex template)

Once you have reached the Overleaf template page relevant to your contribution, click on Open as Template to start writing your paper. You can also share the link of your project with others, a very handy feature if you write your paper collaboratively.

Please note that Overleaf relies on the LaTeX typesetting system widely used in academia, but also proposes a Rich Text editing mode which is close to a “what you see is what you get” text editor such as Microsoft Word. Hence, Overleaf could be considered for your AM 2017 paper writing even if you are not familiar with LaTeX.